Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Michail Glinka - historical information

Michail Glinka (1804-1857) is known widely as the “Father of Russian Music.” I have chosen to analyze the first movement of his Viola Sonata in D minor. This piece was written sometime in between 1825 and 1828. Unfortunately, Glinka was not the one to complete this piece. I have chosen to analyze the structure of an edition of this sonata that was completed by V. Borisovsky. Borisovsky also edited the viola part, which I have performed; in my opinion, it is an exceptional piece of viola repertoire. The complexity of the music in both the viola and piano parts makes it a worthwhile piece for any musician to analyze in order to enhance one’s understanding the musical structure of a sonata.
From a family of nobility, it was expected the Glinka would study music. He had played the violin and piano, and out of chance, began to compose music, at first for his cousin. We eventually toured Europe, taking compositions with some of the most well known composers of the era. At the time of Glinka’s work, nationalist music was at its peak, and Glinka’s music strongly reflects Russian culture and nationalist themes.
At the time of the peak of Glinka’s composing career, Russian folk music was the most popular music genre. Russian folk music had eclectic influence, from various eastern countries. Long melismatic melodies were typical and, over time, the influences from other countries combined together in order to solidify one form solid form of Russian music, as we know it today. It is apparent that Glinka was the first major composer who began to establish a recognizable genre for nationalist Russian music.

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